Chair's Christmas Photo Challenge for Ashgate Hospice - Target Achieved!
Malc Perks, Chair of the Club, threw down a challenge to the Members to send in as many photos of them wearing a Club shirt by New Year's Day. If 25 photos were sent then Malc would donate £25 to Ashgate Hospice. If photos include a Christmas hat or feature a range of random locations then they scored extra points towards the 25 photo target - reach 50 photos/points and the Club would also donate £25 to our local hospice.
With hours to go to the deadline just enough points were won to reach the £50 donation target.
Thank you for everyone who sent in a photo and to Malc for setting up the challenge.
Total points scored = 50 Total donations from members and Last Man Standing competition £152





Rob Church meets...

Senior Spireites on Tour ....
Wearing with pride a Senior Spireites shirt around the UK and on holiday is becoming a habit for some of our members. Here are a few of them sporting their colours with pride.

